“Why Own Bonds?” | Bond Market Perspectives | February 13, 2018

"With rising rates making high-quality fixed income more attractive, many fixed income investors may be asking, why own bonds?"

“Correction Perspectives” | Weekly Market Commentary | February 12, 2018

“After an extraordinary two-year period of market calm, the major U.S. equity markets slipped into correction territory last week.”

“The Valentine’s Day Index” | Weekly Economic Commentary | February 12, 2018

"Low overall inflation again carried over to common Valentine’s Day gifts in 2017, with prices rising at or below the average pace."

Market Insight Monthly | January 2018

"January 2018 saw December’s trend of above-consensus economic reports taper off, though the data suggests strong underlying fundamentals in the U.S. economy, supported by solid consumer spending."

“Will Yields Keep Rising?” | Bond Market Perspectives | February 6, 2018

"Yields have started 2018 off on a volatile note, which has been somewhat painful and disconcerting for fixed income investors."

“Volatility During Healthy Markets” Client Letter by John Lynch | February 6, 2018

"Although it can be difficult to experience these declines, the underlying fundamentals of the economy and markets are pointing to the potential for continued growth in 2018 and beyond."

“Melt-up or Melt-down?” | Weekly Market Commentary | February 5, 2018

“Friday’s sharp stock market decline might have led us to forget that just a few days ago many claimed the stock market was melting up.”

“GDP, PCE, and Jobs” | Weekly Economic Commentary | February 5, 2018

"The latest data on GDP, inflation, and the job market continue to paint a positive picture of the U.S. economy."


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